A few of these articles were taken, with permission, from The Blueprinter: a magazine published by ERTL CO. If you are looking for Hobby History, in regards to the birth and subsequent growth of plastic modeling, then these will be of great interest to you.
For the less serious folks, check out our Porters Laws of Modeling. (I'm sure you will see yourself in one or more of these laws!)
For all you railroaders out there, our article entitled - Rocks aren't hard, they're easy - should by right up your alley. This article gives detailed instructions on creating lifelike rock sculptures to use in your layout. This very informative article was written by Rick Smith, who is currently a member of our railroading club (CIMRA - Cape and Islands Model Railroad Assn.)
Hobby History: Aluminum Model Toys From Aluminum to Plastic
The Story of the Toonerville Trolley ~ An article published February 1938 in "Railroad Magazine"